Published: Sep 8, 2023

Formulation and Physical Evaluation of CTM Tablets by Direct Compression Method: A Systematic Literature Review

305-309 Astriani Nurjanah, Neni Nurlelah

Formulation and Evaluation of Effervescent Granules Ethanol Extract of Andaliman Fruit (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC) with Combination of Citric Acid-Tartaric Acid and Sodium Bicarbonate

310-315 Olivia Laurent, Tia Triyanti, Dika Suranda, Linda Chiuman

Overview of Environmental Sanitation and Socio-Cultural of Coastal Communities in Fishing Village, Medan Belawan District, Indonesia

316-320 Amalia Rahmi Nasution, Romiza Arika, Cut Nasywa Kesuma Dany, Mawaddah Sri Rezeki Dalimunthe, Desri Amrainum, Ella Asri Fauziah, Fatma Salsabila, Indah Rizqika, Mayumi Ershanda, Muhammad Subhan

CYP2A6 Gene Polymorphism Allele *4 Study in Hypertensive Patients with a History of Smoking

321-326 Erica Kusuma Rahayu Sudarsono, Christine Patramurti

Effectiveness Test of Avocado Seed Extract (Persea Americana Mill.) in Inhibiting the Growth of Staphylococcus aureus Bacteria In Vitro

327-331 Indra Basar Siregar, Isnandar, Rahmi Syaflida Dalimunte, Prilisa Melenia

Analysis of the Chemical Content of Jamblang Bark (Syzygium cumin (L) Skeels) Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Fourier Transform Infrared

332-336 Himyatul Hidayah, Windi Ikhtianingsih, Surya Amal

Pharmacological Activity of Betulinic Acid: A Systematic Literature Review

337-342 Himyatul Hidayah, Nayla Robiatul Adawiyah, Surya Amal

The Potential of Jamblang Bark Plants (Syzygium cumini (L) Skeels) as Anticancer: A Literature Review

343-348 Himyatul Hidayah, Windi Ikhtianingsih, Surya Amal

Effects of Red Galangal Rhizome Extract (Alpinia purpurata) as an Inhibitor of Staphylococcus aureus Bacterial Biofilm

349-354 Sri Winarsih, Ardian Rizal, Estyka Ratu