Published: Sep 1, 2023

Formulation and Evaluation of Chewable Tablets from Natural Extracts: A Systematic Literature Review

253-258 Nia Yuniarsih, Adam Permana, Adinda Khoirun Nissa, Adiva Nafila Zulfa, Khoirul Haniatin, Novita Andriyani

Comparison of Standardization of Ash Content of Butterfly Pea Simplicia (Clitoria ternatea L.): A Systematic Literature Review

259-262 Depita Nurapni, Kamelia Risna, Kirana Azzahra Emil Musa, Riana Ardianti, Yeni Ari Safitri Dalimunthe

Effectiveness of Toothpaste from Activated Charcoal as Teeth Whitening: A Systematic Literature Review

263-267 Abdul Aziz, Adinda Ayesha, Eka Sevianti, Gabril Victory Makalalag, M Alvian Noordiansyah, M Panji Wicaksono, Shofa Khairunnisa, Nia Yuniarsih

Cambodian Simplicia (Plumeria sp.) Phytochemical Screening Study: A Systematic Literature Review

268-274 Lia Fika Yuniar, Delika Syalomita, Ismi Puji Apriani, Ira Puspawati, Zevania Toguria Nadeak, Khoirul Haniatin, Novita Andriyani, Mila Febriyanti

Risk Factors and Clinical Course of Patients with Acute Kidney Injury: A Systematic Literature Review

275-279 Intan Nurcahyani, Risti Septanti, Maya Arfania

Effectiveness of Nitrate and Beta-Blocker Drugs in Patients with Angina Pectoris: A Systematic Literature Review

280-284 Maya Arfania, Adinda Khoirun Nissa, Khoirul Haniatin, Novita Andriyani

Jamblang (Syzygium cumini (L.)): A Review of Its Flower and Medicinal Uses

285-289 Khusniyah, Muthia Oktaviani Rahayu, Nayla Robiatul Adawiyah, Himyatul Hidayah

Antibacterial Activity Test of Gambas Fruit Extract (Luffa Acutangula (L.) Roxb.) against Bacterial Growth Staphylococcus Aureus In Vitro

290-294 Elwin Stanlee, Indra Basar Siregar, Olivia Avriyanti Hanafiah, Isnandar

The Pharmacological Activity of Jamblang Plant (Syzygium cumini (L) Skeels) Based on Solvent Polarity: A Systematic Literature Review

295-299 Tia Laelasari, Ghofaro Nurul Azzahro, Muhammad Zein Latif, Himyatul Hidayah

The Effectiveness of Using Jengkol Peel Extract (Pithecellobium lobatum Benth.) in Inhibits Bacterial Growth Staphylococcus aureus In Vitro

300-304 Indra Basar Siregar, Gostry Aldica Dohude, Rahmi Syaflida Dalimunte, A Rachma Zata Amani